Saturday, April 12, 2014


   See this pretty face?

See this big smile?  You would never guess she had a sadistic bone in her body, would you?  Ah, but she is an "especialista--endodontista!"  That means she specializes in root canals!  Yes, and when I asked her what made her choose that field, she told me it was delicate, precise work and she could help people not to have pain.  Now, the problem is that I didn't have any pain until she got that needle into her hand and stuck it into my mouth!  Granted, most of the rest of the time I didn't feel much, but that shot was not great, even with the ibuprofen I took ahead of time!  She even teaches other people how to have this fun!  She is expecting a baby, so I hope the idea of helping people will be stronger than the natural tendencies of a dentist.  
Okay, the dentist that brought her to his office and who is my main dentist seems really kind and calm and quiet.  He even told me to "Smile" as he left the room when she was about to go to work.   He makes all the arrangements for this exciting stuff and it all is much less costly than it would be at home in Kansas.  It's just that I really hate shots!
Update:  Just the day after I wrote this post, she had her baby!  It must have been so uncomfortable to be leaning over working on me just three days before that.  I hear she is doing well and so is the baby and I really do appreciate what she and our other dentist have done for me.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had to have a root canal! NO ES DIVERTIDO!
